Atishoo! Making a herbal hayfever remedy

It is the season of grass pollen, and gathering herbs has become a little difficult through runny noses and streaming eyes. Today we share our favourite herbs for hayfever and a video on how to make a tincture. Hayfever herbs can be gathered and used fresh or dried to make infusions, and this is really my preferred method, but sometimes if you are in a rush it is handy to have a tincture ready for a small dose as you head out the door.

Making an infusion:

The best way to take a hayfever infusion is to make a big teapot or flask and sip constanlty throughout the day. To make a teapot or flask, place 3 teaspoons each of dried nettle (Urtica dioica), elderflower (Sambucus nigra) and plantain (Plantago spp.) or 3 tablespoons each of the fresh herb. Cover with boiling water and leave for at least 15 minutes. Ideally a flask can be used as this will rally extract the goodness from the herbs throughout the day. Drink a cup three times a day or sip continuously.

Making a tincture:

This video shares how we make a traditional tincture (alcoholic extract) with three fresh herbs used for hayfever: Nettle (Urtica dioica), Plantain (Plantago...

Take equal parts fresh herbs, chop finely and fill a jar loosely. Cover to the top with vodka or other grain alcohol no weaker than 35% ABV. Allow to infuse for 2-4 weeks (you can start taking it after 2 weeks, but leave to infuse for a full 4 for best effect). After that time, strain out the herb and store the liquid (tincture) in a dark glass bottle to keep out the light. Label and date. Traditionally, 1 teaspoon is taken in a little water 3 times a day.

Before using wither of these remedies, seek the advice of a professional herbalist and your medical care provider. Do not take if you are on any other medication, have a medical condition, are pregnant or lactating.