Spring recipe: Garlic-amole

The ingredients...

The ingredients...

Spring is finally hitting London. That means the fresh, tasty spring greens are here!  This makes us very happy and we alway get busy making salads, soups, pestos. Our favourite Spring greens however, are the wild garlics. If you'd like to read about the various ones and their identification, read here.

The other day I went to make a garlic pesto for a herb walk. I used three-cornered leek (Allium triquetrum), a gorgeous, mild garlic leaf.  Though it isn't a native species, it has been in Britain since the 18th Century and is too tasty to resent. It grows in abundance near us and as I had no time to go grab any others that would normally go in the mix, I went with just using that. Surprisingly, it was totally different - creamy and delicious,  in colour and texture as if it contained avocado. It tasted like a garlic guacamole! 

It is a tasty way to get tasty vitamins, nutrients, immune-boosting & anti-microbial garlic goodness into your life! For more history and folklore, go to Robin Harfords site 'EatWeeds' here.

Kim x


Blend in a blender the following ingredients until it is a thick but spreadable consistency, serve & enjoy!

  • Two generous handfuls of three-cornered leek
  • 2-4 tablespoons of olive oil (I used lime pressed)
  • 1 handful of nuts
  • Juice of half a lemon
  • salt & freshly ground black pepper to taste
Served on oatcakes

Served on oatcakes