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Wild garlic & herbs: Spring walk, N6/N10

By popular demand, we have opened up a March walk, as April 18th s now fully booked.

Image: Three-cornered leek (allium triquetrum) (C) Kyle Books/Sarah Cuttle.

Image: Three-cornered leek (allium triquetrum) (C) Kyle Books/Sarah Cuttle.

The relationship between people, plants and fungi for both food and medicine goes back hundreds of thousands of years. In recent centuries, this knowledge has almost been forgotten....

Take a gentle stroll and re-discover the wild winter herbs and plants growing around The woods and streets of North London and their past uses by the communities around them.


  • wild plant and spring tree identification

  • folklore & traditional uses of herbs

  • Focus on the different wild garlics popping up in March

You will also receive tasters and a follow up identification and recipe handout.

Please bring a notepad and pen, and dress appropriately for potentially muddy fields and rain. Waterproof shoes are advised.

£35/£30* concessions. (please see T&Cs below)

*We also have 2 complimentary spaces for unwaged/low waged participants on a first come, first served basis. Please email if you would like to know more about this.

Location on booking, N6/N10

Spring Herb Walk 21 March
Please add your mobile no:


The walk will go ahead even if the weather is not ‘perfect’: unless there are severe weather warnings. Kim & Vicky reserve the right to make the decision if the walk goes ahead and will inform participants. If such circumstances occur, a refund or a transfer of the ticket will be possible.

Full refunds are possible if cancellations are no later than 14 days before the walk. 50% refunds are available if cancellations are over 14-7 days. No refunds are possible if the attendee cancels less than 7 days before the walk.

Later Event: April 4
River remedies walk, E5